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Welcome to Parking in Stroudsburg Borough

The Parking Office is located in the Stroudsburg Borough Municipal Building on the corner of Sarah and N. Seventh Streets on the second floor of the firehouse.  Free parking is available on N. Seventh Street right outside the building for Municipal Business.  The Parking Office is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Telephone 570-424-7008.

Metered Parking and Violations

Parking meters are in effect Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sundays and Legal Holidays as outlined in Stroudsburg Borough Code Chapter 15 §101 are free. All other parking regulations are enforced on Sundays and Legal Holidays.

Vehicles parked at an expired meter may be ticketed every three hours.  15-minute meters may be ticketed every hour. Expired meter violations are $20 each if paid in full within 7 calendar days.

Meters in the downtown core area are $1.00 per hour with a 3-hour parking limit.  Vehicles remaining on the same block after three hours are subject to a $30 violation.  Most other meters are $.50 per hour.  Meters accept QUARTERS only. In Parking Lot #2 and #3 Credit/Debit cards are accepted, rates are $1.00 per hour.MPay2Park mobile app is available to pay all meters and Lots within the Borough. A user fee is applicable when using the mobile app service.

Parking violations may be paid at the Parking Office, in the drop box outside the Municipal Building on N. Seventh Street, by mail or on-line at https://stroudsburg.nsolutions.com/ . A user fee is applicable when using the on-line service.  If you feel a ticket has been issued in error, you may complete and remit to the parking office a Ticket Review Form . Forms may be obtained online at https://www.stroudsburgboro.com , or in the parking office during business hours.

We have (2) dual-port Chargepoint EV Charging Stations located at the corner of South 6th and Ann Street. They are a level 2 (approx. 6kw) charging.

Unsettled Parking Violations

Vehicles with 5 or more unsettled parking violations left unpaid for 30 days or more may be “booted”.  To have a boot removed from your vehicle, satisfy all citations, fines, penalties, and fees at the District Magistrate’s Office at 823A Ann Street, Stroudsburg.  Proof of payment will be provided to the vehicle owner by the Magistrate’s Office which must be brought to the Borough Office to settle all overdue parking violations plus a boot release fee starting at $100.  Payment must be made within 72 hours after the vehicle has been booted to avoid added expenses for towing and storage.

To claim a towed vehicle, satisfy all citations, fines, penalties, and fees at the District Magistrate’s Office at 823A Ann Street, Stroudsburg.  Proof of payment will be provided to the vehicle owner by the Magistrate’s Office which must be brought to the Borough Office to settle all overdue parking violations plus a boot release fee starting at $100.  The Borough will provide proof of payment to the vehicle owner, who in turn must provide that proof to the towing company before the vehicle can be released.  Towing and storage fees must be paid directly to the towing company.

Public Parking Permits for Municipal Lots

The Borough offers public quarterly parking permits in the downtown area to be used in municipal lots.  The quarterly rates range from $90 to $190.Permits will not be issued to anyone with outstanding parking violations.Permits shall be visible from the windshield while parked in the municipal lots. Failure to properly display the permit may result in a parking violation and/or fine.

Residential Parking Permits & Renewals

The Borough has 3 Residential Parking Districts. Residents of these districts may obtain annual parking permits for vehicles registered to them.  The permits allow district residents to park on the street.  Non-residents are permitted to park within these districts for one hour.  Those vehicles parked longer than 1 hour without a permit are subject to a $50 fine. Permits are $10 each and may be purchased in the Parking Office.  Owners must provide proof of residencywith a valid driver’s license and utility bill.Renters must provide a current lease, a valid driver’s license and must be registered by their landlords with a Rental Unit Registration form.  Permits will not be issued to anyone with outstanding parking violations.Permits shall be visible from the windshield while parked in the residential areas. Failure to properly display the permit may result in a parking violation and/or fine.

The Hill, South and West District parking permits all expire December 31st yearly.

Snow Emergency

A snow emergency may be declared when any precipitation depositing snow, sleet, hail, ice, and freezing rain on Borough streets to a depth of 3 inches or more.  The following streets are designated for snow removal and parking thereon shall be prohibited while a snow emergency is in effect:

  Ann Street Fifth Street and Tenth Street
  Bryant Street Park Avenue and Village Drive
  Eighth Street Ann Street and Phillips Street
  Fulmer Avenue Eighth Street and Wallance Street
  Main Street (after 6pm & before 8am)     Western Borough Line and Eastern Borough Line
  McConnell Street Second Street and FIfth Street
  Ninth Street Ann Street and Scott Street
  Park Avenue Barry Street and Broad Street
  Sarah Street Fifth Street and Nineth Street
  Seventh Street Ann Street and Sarah Street
  Sixth Street Ann Street and Scott Street
  Third Street
Fifth Street and Lower Main Street

The Borough notifies the Pocono Record, WNEP, WBRE, WSBG, and TV 13 when a snow emergency has been declared or you can also sign up for Pocono Record Weather Alerts. Go to www.poconorecord.com , click “News”, scroll down, click “Weather”, and click on “Weather Text Alerts – Sign up Here”.   You can also sign up with Monroe County Emergency Management at the ReadyNotifyMonroe web site selecting the “New User” link to receive phone or email alerts.  Vehicles left unattended on snow emergency routes during a snow emergency are subject to a parking fine and/or tow.